Home > Other pages > Sellingup, Packing up, getting out of the house by 16 march

Sellingup, Packing up, getting out of the house by 16 march

sold the house on  Saturday 3rd feb, got a good price we are very happy with. Had a 42 day contract so we were out on the streets on 16th March.Officially homeless. We had a lot to do.

Had a garage sale on the first saturday after the sale which didn’t give us/me enough time to sort out the unwanted, the rubbish, wanted things for our return,and the needed stuff for our trip. Tony reckons we should have got rid of a whole lot  more of my precious collections and posessions. Got rid of the obvious unwanted crap at sale but they didn’t want my beautiful ‘lounge project’ It went to the tip. Along with all tony’s garage shelves and stacks of rubbish collected over 14 years. loads of stuff was returned to the op shops (tho they were a bit fussy)

Bought a 20foot container which was placed in Lowen St beside the house. We thought there would be plenty of room! Started packing boxes, ran out of boxes, packed more boxes and more boxes. Tony reassured me there was plenty of room in the container. got most of the big furniture in even the big table. All stacked perfectly with no gaps, until….no more room! palmed off as much as we could to willing family and friends and the over flow was stacked up in Wals shearing shed. The container was transported out to the farm on the back of a truck and hopefully the gear inside survived the jaunty angle it required with loading. I haven’t the heart to look inside

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