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18-21 june Moscow

From Suzdal, bus to Vladimir, and then a short 2 hr train (seats with a lunch in a bag) to Moscow. We found ourselves by pure luck at Kurzky Vokzal (station) in walking distance to our hostel. This in turn was walking distance along Varvarka St (the old Moscow of the 16th century wealthy boyars and reign of Peter the Great, Tsars Alexander, Ivan and Nicolas (many of each) who were powerful or wealthy enough to just throw up a magnificent church or two. The daylight lasts until 11pm so plenty of time to wander past buildings of all eras (medieval, imperial, Soviet and modern)  to Red (“beautiful”) square with Lenin tomb, Ivan the terrible’s crazy multicoloured Basil cathedral, over the Moscow river to old town, dinner at a “point and pay”.

Next day, did a free walking tour from statue of Methodus and Cyril (of Cyrillic alphabet fame).  There is an incredible amount of renovation and reproduction of palaces and gardens, buildings and monuments. Churches and buildings in lolly shades of pink, yellow, green and blue. Impossibly grand buldings 3 stories high (like the trade centre) which go the length of the city block. The walk ended at Cathedral of Christ the Saviour which was unbelievably rebuilt in 2 years in 2000. Visit the Kremlin. Get told off for walking on the road, get told off for walking on the road! The frescos and iconostasis in the cathedrals are amazing.

Take up Svetlana’s (from Suzdal) generous offer to stay one night in her Moscow flat. Spend a wonderful two days guided through marble metro, to parks and gardens, fantastic wooden Kolomenskoe and Tsaritsyno palaces (both recently rebuilt), views of the river from the city, and views of the city from the river.  Fortified Convents and monestaries with peaceful gardens. And best of all, home cooked blini (russian pancakes) with fox mushrooms, tomato salad and Caviar.

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