Home > Other pages > 22-23 june Veliky Novgorod

22-23 june Veliky Novgorod

Moscow was amazing. Perhaps if you were here ten years ago, you would have a different impression. There has been so much hype about St Petersburg. . . we will see!

Finding accommodation in St P is difficult and there are no tickets for any train, so we decide to go to Veliky Novgorod. Lonely Planet says there is a good Kremlin and cathedral. We arrive early and explore the town. Yes the Kremlin and Cathedral get a tick. The pretty riverside beach has attracted plenty of sunbaking Russians and the ubiquitous icecream vendor. Lots of authentic w 12 to 17 century churches (some whiewashed) and none renovated. Sergei, the Russian ex-British olympic gymnast team coach invited us to his club. We talk to his group of 10 to 16 y o boys for half an hour before they practise their tumbling and pommel. meanwhile about 40 girls are doing amazing somersaults, vaults, beam and bar training. Wow!

Next to the Kremlin, near the statue of Rachmaninov is Rob Simmon’s dream- a chess club which is open six days a week from 2pm to 8pm. Tony only watched as the local players’ 10 minute games were a bit scary. Still daylight at midnight!. The ancient Soviet era trolleybus are still going.

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