Home > Other pages > 26 – 30 june Helsinki Finland

26 – 30 june Helsinki Finland

Our first luxury train today! The “Allegro” from St P to Helsinki, 300km in 3 hours, including the border crossing which was a non event. Leaving the land of gold teeth and shots of vodka for breakfast. Arriving in land of mission brown and maroon buildings, forests and lake and ginormous strawberriess. Beat the visa deadlines which have hurried our travel for the last few months. looking forward to slowing down (and slowing this blog!).

We were greeted at train station by Andrew and Anneli Calder, our wonderful hosts for the next few days. Opportunity to relax and enjoy Finnish hospitality. Tourist stuff included Suominlinna fortress, built by Swedes (king Gustav and others), garrisonned by the Russians and now a pleasant museum island enjoyed by the Finns. Cathedral (a couple of), train station, and delicious fresh salmon and new potatos in the market square on the wharf.

Visit to Poorvoo, ancient trade city with cobblestone streets, 15th century cathedral, runeberg cakes, where Alexander I made Finnland a Russian Grand duchy. Met two of Anneli’s great friends, Inga and Inkoo. Vege lasagne, pickled fish, beer, wine, lots of laughs and an unusual musical concert in local church. The  difficult composition for string quartet, oboe and harp was “interesting”. We all had difficulty appreciating.

Andrew has certainly embraced both summer and winter life in Finland, with the opportunity to enjoy walking in all seasons. We shared Andrew and Anneli’s enthusiasm for birds, forests and swimming (the lake in Nuuksi NP in the nudie, the first person said it wasn’t cold – brrr!). It was sad to leave, the breakfast routine of muesli or porridge with blueberry soup, toast and tea, delicious homecooked cakes, “two hat” coffee in the sundeck. The lovebirds can now have their bed back.

Categories: Other pages
  1. Phil Veit
    July 2, 2012 at 9:48 pm

    Hi Liz and Tony

    Just catching up on your whereabouts..What a wonderful journey so far.. Fantastic !! Keep right on to the end of the road …..All the best for now


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